
Tips & Toes

What a fun job this was!  Tips & Toes had a nice looking business card, but it had become a little dated and was expensive to print.  After we priced out a variety of options, Wendy received those magical words all designers love to hear:  “Do whatever you want!” The…


Holidays at the Beach is THIS weekend

I just love living here in teeny tiny town.  It is literally and figuratively the beach of my childhood.  I’ve talked with people about this 30 years older and 30 years younger than myself and all seem to agree that the spirit of the place hasn’t changed over time.  Okay,…


Congratulations, Sunday Afternoon Live!

Congratulations to the hard-working folks who volunteer their time to produce Sunday Afternoon Live.  Your efforts earned front cover of Coast Weekend this week! Thank you for all you do to bring quality entertainment to Pacific County! Read the article.


Holtermann & Associates

This web development project, headed up by Karl, was a great example of taking an existing site and bringing it into the new era of what works.  The internet changes so quickly, both in terms of what ‘toys’ are available to a site owner to make their site attractive, functional,…


Bob Milne Returns to the World Kite Museum

Do you have your tickets for Bob Milne’s Peninsula appearance on the 8th?  This is a must-see event.  Bob, an internationally acclaimed musician, is as much an educator as an entertainer and he weaves stories throughout the fabric of his performance.  Seriously, he’s amazing. With your entrance ticket, you get…


Independent Books

Introducing the new! Gayle Borchard has years of experience in the book industry and has taken her expertise online. She now offers online just shy of 10,000 books, as well as appraisal and research services to book collectors around the world. Gayle wanted a clean look that was easy…


Discovery Coast Real Estate

We had so much fun recently, working with Cheri and Charlie Diehl as they launched their new real estate brokerage, Discovery Coast Real Estate.  Charlie came up with the logo concept and did all the prelminary design work.  We started by digitizing Charlie’s design and converting it to a few…


Why Businesses Should INCREASE Marketing Efforts in Tough Times

We’re starting to hear the buzz: “I can’t afford to advertise this year.” “The economy is tough.” “It was a rough season.” Boy, do we feel the fear and pain of these small business owners.  Owning your own business is one of the hardest jobs out there.  You’re chief cook…


Small Business Management

We can’t say enough good things about the Small Business Management Program at Clatsop Community College.  Keith and Keleigh went through the 3-year program and have been in the alumni class for as long.  Not only is it a wonderful program for folks new to running their own business, it…