Shop Rate
Our shop rate is $100/hour, billed in 15-minute blocks. Please note:
- It’s most cost-effective to send us a chunk of work at a time, rather than a nibble here and there. Get the most out of those 15 minutes!
- Projects requiring high-end coding are billed at $100/hour; you will be notified prior to start of the work if this is the case.
- We include a 30-day quality guarantee on all work. Unfortunately, this cannot include typos or other problems you signed off on while proofing print projects.
- New customers are asked to pay at delivery of product or service. Established clients are billed at the first of the month following service, net-15.
- Fees are quoted per project upon request.
- Projects we expect to take more than a few hours are typically quoted and done under a written agreement. Smaller projects are billed at the shop rate.
- Initial consultation (up to one hour) on a new project requiring at least two hours of shop time is waived if the project comes to fruition.
Shop Rate applies to:
Consulting, Research
Web Site Updates
Analytics. Basic log file analytics are built into our hosting plans. Most people, however, want the convenience and robustness of Google Analytics. We regularly manage the set up of Analytics accounts, training clients in interpretation of the data and using it to advantage, and adding custom analytics scripts.
- Development of Social Media Guidelines – A MUST if employees are doing your social marketing for you.
- Set up Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Did you know Facebook has more than 50% of the market share when it comes to social media for business?
- Training in Social Media Marketing and/or how to manage your pages
- Editorial Calendar Development –ensures you are pushing on that flywheel in a way that returns results
- Social Media Management –for when you just want someone else to do it for you. HINT: In the long run, it’s more cost-effective to have us help you develop guidelines then hire or train existing staff to do this for you.
- Training. The school of is open for business! Whether you need WordPress basics to advanced, Magento or PayPal E-Commerce, Search Engine Optimization and Marketing (SEO/SEM), Analytics, Link Building, Social Media Strategies, or some other aspect of Marketing your business, we can help. Since opening our doors in 1997, we’ve provided training to more than 600 students in individual and small group environments.
Additional Services
- Web Development: New sites, Site Overhauls, Mobile Conversions We have packages for basic site development starting at $600 and have developed complex sites with budgets of more than $25,000. Please read our page on web development for more information on pricing these projects.
- Web Hosting We maintain several hosting servers for our clients’ sites. This allows us to maintain the highest standards in hardware and configuration. We employ a team of server specialists to manage our machines, giving you the benefit of dedicated expertise. We monitor changes in the web community which may affect your site. We upgrade programs on our server and make them available to you. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have about the server on which your site resides. Our hosting plans are detailed on
- Domain Maintenance Many of our clients prefer that we manage their domain name(s) on their behalf. This saves you from tracking domain renewals and sorting through phishers sending email and paper bills that appear to be renewals but are actually transfer agreements. Your name and contact information is ALWAYS kept in the registration so you retain control of your domain.
- Ongoing Site Maintenance It’s critically important to keep your site software current. Doing so keeps your site safe from hackers. The problem with making these updates yourself is that sites tend to have a multitude of plug-ins with different authors, in addition to the software of the site itself. Software conflicts happen. Our Basic Site Maintenance plan exists to take care of these updates for you, quietly and consistently in the background. We vet each new update and, if we determine it is good for your site, we take care of business and manage any fallout that may take place as a result. At $275 per year, it’s far less expensive than having us come in to clean up after a hack and typically less expensive than having us untangle a mess made by DIY efforts.
Site Maintenance + Shop Time: Bundles We offer two bundles for our clients who purchase Basic Site Maintenance. Essentially, these plans allow you to pre-purchase shop time of one or two hours monthly at roughly half price.
- Search Engine Optimization and Marketing From basic optimization of new sites to competitive analysis, optimization and marketing, we are fully trained and have experience delivering results. Pricing:
“I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed reading your newsletter and visiting your wonderful website. I felt so inspired and felt like I had had a vacation by the time I was through. I appreciate how complete your themes are and all the fun things you offer are very tempting. I am definitely due for a trip for Long Beach…and this might be just the lure I need…Thank you!” ~J.J. (via email) “Pat and I both commented on how nice it is to work with you….We are amazed at your level of knowledge and ability to communicate it in way that is so understandable to us novices.” ~M.N., Chehalis, WA