
Ekone Oyster Company

Ekone Oyster Company of Bay Center, Washington recently updated their website.  The Jambor family was happy with the design of the site but wanted to upgrade from a table-driven, html-based site into WordPress, which allows them to easily keep their site updated themselves.   We were able to keep the…


Long Beach City Crew Fan Club

At the end of July, Keleigh did something she vowed, at the tender age of twelve, she would never do: She started a fan club. We don’t hold it against her; how could she NOT start a fan club for the ever-smiling, courteous and thoughtful City Crew of Long Beach?…


A Special Message From Lilly & Perdita

Woof ruff ruff woof, cookie, woof woof rwowf arf 10%.  Ruff rowlf arf woof.  wroolf! – Perdita & Lilly


Twitter: what? how? me?

We are often asked about Twitter; what it is, how it works and whether or not small business owners and non-profit organizations should engage.  The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all and, even if it were, to answer your question we first need to ask you, “Are you a tweeting personality or do…


Who is using social networking?

Excerpts from an article in yesterday’s New York Times: Use of social networking by people aged 35 to 54 grew 60 percent in the last year. Adults have driven the growth of many perennially popular Web services. YouTube attracted young adults and then senior citizens before teenagers piled on. Blogger’s…


The secret to a long life

A doctor on his morning walk, noticed the old lady above, sitting on her front step smoking a cigar, so he walked up to her and said, “I couldn’t help but notice how happy you look! What is your secret?” “I smoke ten cigars a day,” she said. “Before I…


He turned my frown upside down!

So what’s gotten me into this amazingly grateful mood, on the heels of grousing about things like medical insurance, taxes, and how much these super-cool beach dogs cost us in payroll and benefits each month?  I received this unsolicited email from one of our clients earlier this week: Subject:  A…


Q&A with the Willapa Harbor Chamber of Commerce

Willapa Harbor Chamber of Commerce Keleigh tells us she had a great time with the Willapa Harbor Chamber of Commerce yesterday morning. They must be nice people ’cause she’s never that cheery at 7 AM in this office.  Actually, that’s not fair.  She’s never IN this office at 7 AM….


Comic Relief

We just couldn’t resist sharing these with you. :-])


Snake Oil.

What if you really like your site, but the people who sold it to you used a proprietary program to build it.  Since they don’t own the program, you can’t leave them and take your site with you. You go to the folks who do own the program. What if…