Beachdog WordPress Site Hosting

host beachdog

Why do you own your hosting computers?

Because we couldn’t find a hosting company that shared our high standards and commitment to customer service!  We put our trust in several companies that each failed us miserably when, as they will, things went wrong.

Following a series of maddening experiences purchasing hosting space from companies large and small, we took the bull by the horns and decided to host our own servers.  Then we hired a team of world class Hostmasters, professionals dedicated to this aspect of our field, and purchased our own hardware and software. 

Our entire system is US-based and our team can access our Hostmasters 24/7/365.  What that means to you:  No runaround.  When things go wrong, which will happen on any web server, the buck stops here.

Are your servers in Long Beach?

Unfortunately, no.  The infrastructure here in teeny tiny town, where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean, isn’t able to meet our standards.  Instead, we keep our machines in North Carolina. Backups happen in North Carolina, Washington, and Texas.  This means the entire country would need to be affected by a disaster before we would experience a total data loss.

What makes your hosting special?

Our fully managed servers are bundled with Web Host Manager, Cpanel, backups, anti-virus and malware scanning, and extensive monitoring.

Ours are cloud servers with high-performance, RAID 10-protected SSD storage, redundant 10Gb networking, Intel® Xeon® extreme processors, ECC memory, and redundant power.

The machines are fully managed by a team dedicated to rock solid hosting, with technical support by phone, web, live chat and email during normal business hours and 24x7x365 emergency support for security and server down issues.

Our servers receive proactive remote monitoring and automatic alerts to any potential issues.

Offsite backups happen for all sites with 2 week retention for weekly full and daily differential images.

Sites on Maintenance Plans enjoy full backups on a monthly basis to a second location.

Daily backups and on-site security options are available through our Guard Dog Security program.

Want to know more?

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