Holtermann & Associates
This web development project, headed up by Karl, was a great example of taking an existing site and bringing it into the new era of what works. The internet changes so quickly, both in terms of what ‘toys’ are available to a site owner to make their site attractive, functional,…
Discovery Coast Real Estate
We had so much fun recently, working with Cheri and Charlie Diehl as they launched their new real estate brokerage, Discovery Coast Real Estate. Charlie came up with the logo concept and did all the prelminary design work. We started by digitizing Charlie’s design and converting it to a few…
Friends & Family Blogs
Blogs (web logs, or online diaries) are a great way to stay connected with friends & family, or customers. Besides the fact that they are super-easy to update, and because most allow your visitors to comment on what you write, the super-cool thing is RSS feeds. RSS, or “really simply…