It’s always smile time when we get some good press. There’s something though, about being selected for an honor by an outfit you truly respect that makes it all the sweeter. We’re very honored to be ShoreBank Pacific’s Featured Story this month:
Read the story.
Why do we admire ShoreBank?
When Keith and I first came to the Peninsula, we ran a little motel and RV park in Seaview. When it came time to refinance, we found ourselves intrigued by a new bank in town, ShoreBank Pacific. This particular refinance was a bit tricky, and we’d heard they weren’t afraid of plans like ours that didn’t quite fit the traditional mold. We were also aware of a few local projects the bank had funded managed by good, hard-working people making a positive impact on their world. It sounded like it could be a good fit.
We gathered our paperwork, collated, stapled, color-coded and tabbed for easy reference, gave it to our loan specialist, and went back to remodeling cabins. Little did we know how different a bank ShoreBank really is! Before we knew it, we’d had an in-depth interview and assessments of our sustainable practices which culminated in a report of praises and suggested improvements. Not that the loan was contingent on the improvements; it was just info to make us think and help us do better. The property walk-through didn’t feel like an inspection so much as going for a walk with someone who genuinely wanted to know us, our business, and how we fit into, and supported, our community. The experience was above and beyond expectations every step of the way.
After the refinancing was complete, we continued to receive occasional visits and phone calls from our new friends at the bank. They’d check in to see how things were going and if there was anything they help us with and would comment on changes we made that incorporated sustainable practices and locally sourced goods. An occasional plant or home-baked good found a new home…
So, when the time came to refinance our happy little building, guess who we called? ShoreBank, of course. And the experience has been equally challenging–for all the RIGHT reasons. Who knew the money part of refinancing could be the easy part? We really like working with a bank who cares about the success of our business and our community as much as the risk and margin on loan in front of them. It feels like we’re cut from the same cloth.
Needless to say, when our friendly bankers phoned to ask if we’d be willing to interview for their feature story this month it made us blush and beam a bit. We hope you’ll read the article and learn more, and click around the site a bit to discover ShoreBank.