
A Brief Overview of Social Networking For Business

We’ve written before about the Small Business Development course Keith & Keleigh took through Clatsop College and with which they continue as alumni.  In December the 3 years of students and the alums gather for a joint class and this year’s topic is social networking.  Below is a preview of…


Twitter: what? how? me?

We are often asked about Twitter; what it is, how it works and whether or not small business owners and non-profit organizations should engage.  The answer isn’t one-size-fits-all and, even if it were, to answer your question we first need to ask you, “Are you a tweeting personality or do…


Formula For Success Workshops April 28th

We did a little test promoting our upcoming Formula For Success workshops.  The north Pacific County workshop announcement was passed around by word of mouth, email and flyers.  The south Pacific County workshop was also blogged, twittered and FaceBooked. Understanding that there are a lot of factors unconsidered and our…