
Friends & Family Blogs

Blogs (web logs, or online diaries) are a great way to stay connected with friends & family, or customers.  Besides the fact that they are super-easy to update, and because most allow your visitors to comment on what you write, the super-cool thing is RSS feeds.  RSS, or “really simply…



It’s an exciting weekend here at  Not only is it Rod Run AND Perdita’s 2nd birthday, Dr. Roof is giving the building a fresh coat of paint.  Here’s a BEFORE pic, for nostalgia’s sake. 🙂


Join us in welcoming Karl Johnson to our team!

Karl brings a wealth of experience as a tech guru in the public and private sectors and we are absolutely delighted to have him in the kennel.  Not only is he a Mac expert and a networking master, he brings an extensive background in database design & development.  This guy’s…


Astoria Sunday Market Site Launch

As the Executive Director of Destination: The Pacific, the signature event for the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commemoration, we had the opportunity to work with Cyndi Mudge on a variety of projects.  When she became the Director of the Astoria Sunday Market, we started talking about her needs for that…


Astoria Dunes Motel Site Launch

The web site is a small slice of the work being done on this classic Astoria motel.   Sitting almost underneath the Astoria-Megler bridge, the views of the Columbia River ship traffic are spectacular.  That red building you see in the masthead photo is the Red Building, home of another one…


Take your Dog to Work Day

June 20th is take your dog to work day. Here at every day is Take Your Dog to Work Day (TYDTWD)! TYDTWD was created to promote the joys of pet ownership to the non-pet owner. When bringing your dog to work those who live a pet-less life can see…


Sabrina has left the country

Click the photo to enlarge. If you squint your eyes you can see Sabrina & Graeme under the far right leg of the Eiffel Tower. Sabrina, our GEEK DOG, is on a month-long journey through France, Scotland and England. After a long, hard, wet, cold, winter on the Peninsula, Sabrina…

slide web. print. marketing One-Stop Marketing

We leverage resources for the strongest return on your marketing investment. Website Design & Development. Online Marketing. Social Media. Branding & Marketing Plans. Graphic Arts. Logos. Business Cards. Rack Cards. Brochures. Flyers. Postcards. Media Articles. …and so much more.    Contact us now for a no-charge, no-obligation appointment with one…